

New Challenges In IC Reliability

  • 發佈日期 : 2024-10-22
  • 資料來源:https://semiengineering.com/new-challenges-in-ic-reliability/
  • 瀏覽人次:35

How advanced packaging, denser circuits, and safety-critical markets are altering chip and system design.

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss reliability of chips, how it is changing, and where the new challenges are, with Steve Pateras, vice president of marketing and business development at Synopsys; Noam Brousard, vice president of solutions engineering at proteanTecs; Harry Foster, chief verification scientist at Siemens EDA; and Jerome Toublanc, high-tech solutions product manager at Ansys. What follows are excerpts of that conversation.

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