

Defining Chip Threat Models To Identify Security Risks

  • Date : 2024-08-08
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  • Views :48

Not every device has the same requirements, and even the best security needs to adapt.

Experts At The Table: As hardware weaknesses have become a major target for attackers, the race to find new ways to strengthen chip security has begun to heat up. But one-size does not fit all solution. To figure out what measures need to be taken, a proper threat model must be assessed. Semiconductor Engineering sat down with a panel of experts at the Design Automation Conference in San Francisco, which included Andreas Kuehlmann, CEO of Cycuity; Serge Leef, head of secure microelectronics at Microsoft; Lee Harrison, director of Tessent automotive IC solutions at Siemens EDA; Pavani Jella, vice president hardware security EDA solutions at Silicon Assurance (on behalf of IEEE P3164); Warren Savage, researcher at the University of Maryland’s Applied Research Lab for Intelligence and Security and is currently the Principal Investigator of the Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) team for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) AISS program; Maarten Bron, managing director at Riscure/Keysight; Marc Witteman, CEO at Riscure/Keysight; Mike Borza, scientist at Synopsys; Farimah Farahmandi, Wally Rhines Endowed Professor in Hardware Security and Assistant Professor at the University of Florida, and co-founder of Caspia Technologies; and Mark Tehranipoor, chair of the ECE department at University of Florida, founder of Caspia Technologies. What follows are excerpts of that discussion.

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